Friday 23 April 2010

Damn Cool Pics: Top 10 Physically Modified People in the World

Damn Cool Pics: Top 10 Physically Modified People in the World: "6. Elaine DavidsonIn total, brazilian Elaine Davidson has the most number of tattoos and over 2500 piercings on her body, both internally and externally, approximately 500 just around the genitals. the total extra weight she carries due to this obsession comes to around 3kg and she is thankfully the most pierced person in the world. now living in edinburgh she claims to be too scared to go home to brazil due to the attention she’d attract possibly resulting in some kind of attack."

1 comment:

  1. When people do things we do not know the consequences that emerged from our action. Excessive of tattoo is an addiction and just like alcohol, cigarette, sex, drinking, and many more. The person should be going through the process of counselling to help them overcoming those compulsive desires. Consider this example: while drinking, you do not think of anything but pleasure of doing so; or when smoking, what is in the person’s mind is just the pleasure but nothing else. And when a person cheat in his mind is satisfaction only that he or she can think off but the thought of action always came after. The bad thing with tattoo is permanent while with the rest on the list above the person can quit, stop or maybe masturbates but tattoo is for life people should really think twice before going ahead with it. Or the other option will be not to mind what people say just live your life and enjoy every second of it; because, every last breath or minutes in a person’s life is vital.
